Sunday, June 28, 2020

Come Ear Boya Bot

My 12 year old son asked to create a web crawler bot. The project will progress at the link below.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Guitar Fretboard Notes in PHP

Jump to here to see how the specific strings are populated with correct note values.


$notes = [ 
 ['C' , '16.35'] , 
 ['C♯' , '17.32'] , 
 ['D' , '18.35'] , 
 ['E♭' , '19.45'] , 
 ['E' , '20.60'] , 
 ['F' , '21.83'] , 
 ['F♯' , '23.12'] , 
 ['G' , '24.50'] , 
 ['G♯' , '25.96'] , 
 ['A' , '27.50'] , 
 ['B♭' , '29.14'] , 
 ['B' , '30.87'] , 
 ['C' , '32.70'] , 
 ['C♯' , '34.65'] , 
 ['D' , '36.71'] , 
 ['E♭' , '38.89'] , 
 ['E' , '41.20'] , 
 ['F' , '43.65'] , 
 ['F♯' , '46.25'] , 
 ['G' , '49.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '51.91'] , 
 ['A' , '55.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '58.27'] , 
 ['B' , '61.74'] , 
 ['C' , '65.41'] , 
 ['C♯' , '69.30'] , 
 ['D' , '73.42'] , 
 ['E♭' , '77.78'] , 
 ['E' , '82.41'] , 
 ['F' , '87.31'] , 
 ['F♯' , '92.50'] , 
 ['G' , '98.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '103.80'] , 
 ['A' , '110.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '116.50'] , 
 ['B' , '123.50'] , 
 ['C' , '130.80'] , 
 ['C♯' , '138.60'] , 
 ['D' , '146.80'] , 
 ['E♭' , '155.60'] , 
 ['E' , '164.80'] , 
 ['F' , '174.60'] , 
 ['F♯' , '185.00'] , 
 ['G' , '196.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '207.70'] , 
 ['A' , '220.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '233.10'] , 
 ['B' , '246.90'] , 
 ['C' , '261.60'] , 
 ['C♯' , '277.20'] , 
 ['D' , '293.70'] , 
 ['E♭' , '311.10'] , 
 ['E' , '329.60'] , 
 ['F' , '349.20'] , 
 ['F♯' , '370.00'] , 
 ['G' , '392.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '415.30'] , 
 ['A' , '440.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '466.20'] , 
 ['B' , '493.90'] , 
 ['C' , '523.30'] , 
 ['C♯' , '554.40'] , 
 ['D' , '587.30'] , 
 ['E♭' , '622.30'] , 
 ['E' , '659.30'] , 
 ['F' , '698.50'] , 
 ['F♯' , '740.00'] , 
 ['G' , '784.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '830.60'] , 
 ['A' , '880.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '932.30'] , 
 ['B' , '987.80'] , 
 ['C' , '1047.00'] , 
 ['C♯' , '1109.00'] , 
 ['D' , '1175.00'] , 
 ['E♭' , '1245.00'] , 
 ['E' , '1319.00'] , 
 ['F' , '1397.00'] , 
 ['F♯' , '1480.00'] , 
 ['G' , '1568.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '1661.00'] , 
 ['A' , '1760.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '1865.00'] , 
 ['B' , '1976.00'] , 
 ['C' , '2093.00'] , 
 ['C♯' , '2217.00'] , 
 ['D' , '2349.00'] , 
 ['E♭' , '2489.00'] , 
 ['E' , '2637.00'] , 
 ['F' , '2794.00'] , 
 ['F♯' , '2960.00'] , 
 ['G' , '3136.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '3322.00'] , 
 ['A' , '3520.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '3729.00'] , 
 ['B' , '3951.00'] , 
 ['C' , '4186.00'] , 
 ['C♯' , '4435.00'] , 
 ['D' , '4699.00'] , 
 ['E♭' , '4978.00'] , 
 ['E' , '5274.00'] , 
 ['F' , '5588.00'] , 
 ['F♯' , '5920.00'] , 
 ['G' , '6272.00'] , 
 ['G♯' , '6645.00'] , 
 ['A' , '7040.00'] , 
 ['B♭' , '7459.00'] , 
 ['B' , '7902.00']  
    ] ;

function wrapNote($input) {
         return "<span class='note ".$hz."'>".$letter."</span> <span class='note '>".$hz."</span>";

 foreach($notes as $key=>$note) {
  switch($notes[$key][1]) {
    case 82.41:
    case 110.00:
    case 146.80:
    case 196.00:
       case 246.90:
    case 329.60:

$E = array_slice($notes, $E, 13); 
$a = array_slice($notes, $a, 13); 
$d = array_slice($notes, $d, 13); 
$g = array_slice($notes, $g, 13); 
$e = array_slice($notes, $e, 13); 

foreach($E as $key=>$value) {
           print wrapNote($e[$key]);
           print wrapNote($b[$key]);
           print wrapNote($g[$key]);
           print wrapNote($d[$key]);
           print wrapNote($a[$key]);
           print wrapNote($E[$key]);
           print "<br />";
           print "<br />"; 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Javascript Memory Limit and Usage in Chrome

// Thank you stackoverflow user B. Gruenbaum
// will give you the JS heap size
// how much you're currently using

Slightly off topic from post title, the following may be an issue in the problem set being thought on in regards to memory limits: JSON object sizes.
In my scenario I had static reference data in CSV format. I converted to JSON files ( e.g. materials.json).  Here is standalone PHP script you can place in directory of JSON files and get file sizes and javascript memory info all together.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></meta>
<meta name="format-detection" ></meta>
<title>JS Memory Size</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
foreach(glob('*.json') as $file) {
   print "<script type='text/javascript' src='".$file."' ></script>".PHP_EOL;

  // will give you the JS heap size
  // how much you're currently using
td {
border:1px dotted #000000;
<h1>JS Memory Size</h1>
 <td id='jsHeapSizeLimit'></td><td>Size Limit</td>
 <td id='usedJSHeapSize'></td><td>Currently Used</td>
foreach(glob('*.json') as $file) {
   print "<tr><td>".filesize($file)."</td><td>".$file."</td></tr>".PHP_EOL;

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Dynamically create input name and id via associated label text

var groupA = "";
$('label').each(function(index, item) {
var a = $(this).text();
a = a.replace(/\W/g, '');
a = a.replace(/\s/g, '');
a = a.toLowerCase();
groupA = $(this).attr('group');
$('input:text').each(function(index,item) {
if ($(this).attr('group') == groupA) {
$(this).attr('name', a + $(this).attr('typeB') );
$(this).attr('id', a + $(this).attr('typeB') );

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Force use of HTTPS with Javascript

location.protocol=='https:' ? console.log(window.location.href) : replace('https:'+location.hostname+location.pathname);

Friday, March 17, 2017

See inventory of function in javascript files

Place this script in same directory your javascript files are, view in browser.
(and yes I know there is grep -n 'function' *.js but I like things I can see in browser)
header("Content-Type:text/plain") ;
$searchfor = 'function';
foreach($files as $file) {
print $file.PHP_EOL;
$pattern = preg_quote($searchfor, '/');
$pattern = "/^.*$pattern.*\$/m";
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)){
  print count($matches[0])." total functions".PHP_EOL;
  print implode("\n", $matches[0]);

Example out:

37 total functions
function checkExists(myVar) {
function consoleLogTime(input) {
function debugMsg(input) {
function getQuerystring(key, default_)
function selectCustomer(input) {
function listCreate(arrayValues, arrayText, myClass) {
function optionListCreate(arrayValues, arrayText) {
function validateEmail(x) {
function checkEmailExists(email) {
      success: function(result) {
      error: function(result) {
function passwordReset(email) {
      success: function(result) {
      error: function(result) {
function listArray(myArray) { 
function getJsonTable(url, table, tag) {
 $.getJSON(url+'?table='+table, function(data){
        $.each(data, function(index,item) {
     success: function(result) {
     error: function(result) {
$('#signin').click(function() {
$('#signup').click(function() {
$("#passwordReset").click(function() { 
$("#emailB").blur(function() { 
$('.mytype').click(function() {
$("#passwordconfirmB").keyup(function() { 
$("#passwordconfirmB").blur(function() { 
$("#workorder").ready(function() { 
$("select").ready(function() { 
$("#bids").change(function() { 
$("#about").click(function() { 
$('.submit').click(function() {
      success: function(result) {
      error: function(result) {
$("#selectacustomer").click(function() { 
$(".customerSelect").click(function() { 

Thursday, February 2, 2017