#!/usr/bin/env bash git branch -vvv; echo "intergration branch:" read int echo "branch to merge:" read mergebranch git checkout $int && git merge --no-edit --no-ff $mergebranch # example: git checkout lm/generalLake && git merge --no-edit --no-ff origin/lm/ottersSwim
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
GIT Merge Tool : Very Basic
MySQL Count Duplicates
#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Table to read:" read table echo "Column to count and display:" read col echo "Threshold number:" read num echo "SELECT $col FROM $table GROUP BY $col HAVING count(*) > $num;";Useage
Table to read: geocodes Column to count and display: ip Threshold number: 2 SELECT ip FROM geocodes GROUP BY ip HAVING count(*) > 2;
GIT Checkout Loop
#!/usr/bin/env bash while true do git fetch --prune; git branch -vvv echo "provide branch name to checkout:" read branch git checkout $branch; git pull; git log --decorate --pretty=tformat:'%h %d %ar %s' --first-parent --reverse -30; git log -1 $1 # arg to import a command, such as 'exit' done
Monday, November 2, 2015
GIT Log Search Source Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash # this.is.lance.miller@gmail.com regex="$2*$3*$4" clear echo "useage" echo "$0 2 foo fab fangs" echo "2 is the number of results" echo "foo fab fangs are the search terms. wildcards are placed in between them" echo "press [Enter] to proceed" read echo "search string is: $regex" for i in `git log -$1 --decorate --pretty=tformat:'%h %d %an %ar %s' --source --all -i -G $regex | cut -d" " -f1`; do echo $i git show $i done exit
Use Example
searchGIT.sh 2 foo fab fangs 2 is the number of results foo fab fangs are the search terms. wildcards are placed in between them
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